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SHA attend Hate Crime App Launch

On Tuesday 14th May, The Southampton Hackney Association was invited to attend the "Helping Victims of Hate Crime" App Launch for Smart Phones, it was held at the Ageas Bowl in Southampton. The app has been designed to give people more information about hate crimes and to encourage communities to come forward and report them.

You can now upload both platforms of the "Helping Victims of Hate Crime" App free of charge on your smart phone:

https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/hate-crime/id599314473?mt=8  (iPhones)

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.revelmob.hatecrime (Android)

The app includes a definition of what hate crime actually is, as well as more detailed information about crimes which target a victim's race, sexual orientation, transgender identity, disability, religion, age, refugee or asylum status. 

There is more information about the app, Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents on the Hampshire Constabulary webpage by clicking here

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