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Support UTAG to Secure the Future of our Trade

United Trade Action Group (UTAG) describe themselves as: 'A united Taxi Driver and Stakeholder group with the common aim of securing the future of our trade through legal action.' The group, run by two London black cab drivers - Trevor Merralls and Angela Clarkson, have enlisted the help of fellow London cab drivers on certain important issues including Uber, Transport for London (TfL) and other aspects of the London cab trade.

Although a relatively new movement, UTAG are gaining support day by day from other areas in the UK. As chair of the SHPHA I would support them wholeheartedly and would ask drivers to look at their website and perhaps donate, as little as £5 per week, to their cause, bearing in mind that what happens in London usually affects the rest of the country.

Find out more about UTAG by visiting their website here.

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