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Southampton City Council licensing office email

It came to our attention that we have no policy on dealing with a hackney carriage licence should either one of the 283 become available or the cap increased. Therefore a policy has been drafted and is attached to this email.

Today marks the start of a 28 day consultation on this policy and the change of conditions to hackney carriage licences to enable it. All hackney proprietors have been written to notify them of this, however the consultation is a public one and anyone can make a representation. With this in mind I attach a copy of the letter and draft conditions so you can distribute as you wish.


You should note the following:


  • There are currently no hackney carriage licences available. All 283 licences are currently granted.
  • There are no plans currently to increase the number of hackney licences. (Though we are overdue for an unmet demand survey because of COVID).
  • If a licence becomes available, any new licence issued will only be issued to a wheelchair accessible vehicle, regardless of plate number.
  • Proprietors should be reminded that there is no “grace” period if their hackney carriage licence expires. Should this happen then they run the serious risk of losing that licence.


Any representations on this policy should be sent to: licensing.consultations@southampton.gov.uk



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